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Within the exciting field of language learner motivation, I have always been interested in the teachers' perspective: their experiences and beliefs about how to deal with their learners' (lacking?) motivation to learn English, and how to best create motivational conditions for language learning in the Chilean context.
This was part of my doctoral research (Teaching English in Chile: A Study of Teacher Perceptions of their Professional Identity, Student Motivation and
Pertinent Learning Contents, 2013), as well as my first Fondecyt project (Proyecto Fondecyt Iniciación #11160120).
Please find below related pre-prints (publications in their non-copyrighted versions), as well as links to the journal websites where they were published.
Glas, K. (2013). Teaching English in Chile: A study of teacher perceptions of their professional identity, student motivation and pertinent learning contents. Peter Lang Edition.
Katharina Glas (2015): Opening up ‘spaces for manoeuvre’: English
teacher perspectives on learner motivation, Research Papers in Education, DOI:
​Glas, K., Carrasco, P. T., & Vergara, M. M. (2019). Learning to foster autonomous motivation–Chilean novice teachers’ perspectives. Teaching and teacher education, 84, 44-56.
Glas, K., Martinez-Miranda, M., & Dittmar, P. (2021). Novice teachers’ developing beliefs on learner motivation: An agentic perspective. International Journal of Educational Research, 109, 101820.
​Glas, K., Dittmar, P., & Allendes, P. (2021). Guided by images—Chilean novice teachers’ visions of themselves. ELT Journal, 75(4), 451-459.
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